

  • Providing incorrect or inaccurate information for the purpose of misleading others is committing fraud.
  • We are not affiliated or connected with any of the official companies. You should contact your original provider for the official documents.
  • You must be the original owner of the original documents to place an order.
  • All of our documents are designed to be replacement documents for theatrical, practical use, educational or novelty use only.

Replacement Electricity Bill

  • NO MINIMUM ORDERS. Order one replacement electricity bill or order multiple replacement energy bills. With Replace Your Docs you can order as many novelty electricity bills as you need.
  • Choose from hundreds of electricity company templates. If the template you need isn't represented on our order page, simply request the one you would like when you place your order. Replace Your Docs are able to replicate any electricity statement template.
  • We do not add the words "SAMPLE" or "SPECIMEN" on your novelty electricity statements. The only information added on your novelty statement is as per your order instructions.
  • We guarantee complete discretion and confidentiality during the ordering and delivery process.

What are replacement electricity bills?

It's illegal to edit your original electricity bill. It's not illegal to create novelty electricity bills with new numbers printed on them. Simply select the numbers you'd like displayed on the bill, or leave it up to us to fabricate a statement for you.

Imagine how much fun you could have winding up friends and family members with outlandish electricity bills. Buy a replacement utility bill as an amusing gift for an unusual birthday present. Use it is a film prop; as a training aid to teach children about budgeting; or simply keep a spare copy in your files just in case.

Our customers use their novelty electricity bills for a multitude of reasons. The one thing you can't use them for is in lieu of official documentation. Order a replica electricity bill from Replace Your Docs today.

How much does a replacement electricity bill cost?

Buy a replica electricity bill from Replace Your Docs for just £20 for one.

Why choose Replace Your Docs for replacement electricity bills?

Replace Your Docs has a statement template for almost every electricity company provider in the UK or abroad. If you can't see the template for the company you require, simply get in touch with our talented team and we'll create one for you, free of charge.

With Replace Your Docs, you can choose from monthly statements or quarterly statements. Choose which company you want your 'electricity bill' to come from. Choose the amount shown.

The one thing you won't find on any of our replacement bills is the words 'SPECIMEN' or 'SAMPLE'.

  • We email you the digital copy within 24 hours of your order.
  • After ordering, you can download the documents yourself at home to avoid delivery delays.

Replace Your Docs has a range of replacement utility bills to choose from. Each one looks and feels genuine. Order a replica electricity bill today.

How can replacement electricity bills be used?

How can you make the most of your replica electricity bills? Our customers use them for a range of reasons: from educational purposes, to personal filing, to entertainment.

Educational training aids

Teach young people to budget by showing them what an actual electricity bill looks like. The only difference between your original bill and this one is the numbers.

Entertainment purposes

Prank family and friends. Wind up your boss. Frighten flatmates with a sky high bill. April Fools' Day can be any day with a replacement electricity bill.

Accounting reasons

Keep your personal accounts in line with replica bills. Order copies for flatmates, or simply have spare to hand should you need them.

While the world's your oyster when it comes to how to best use your replacement bill, please remember that you can't use it in place of official documents.

Order replacement electricity statements online from Replace Your Docs

Replace Your Docs creates authentic looking electricity bills for you to have fun with. All replica documents provided by Replace Your Docs are solely for novelty purposes and shouldn't be used in place of official documents.

When you need a reproduction electricity bill, you'll find the exact template you need at Replace Your Docs. All of our documents are of such a high quality you'll be hard pressed to distinguish between the original and the replacement.

Order replacement electricity bills online from Replace Your Docs today.

How to order a replacement electricity bill online

  • Step one: Click on the 'SUBMIT ORDER FORM' link at the top of the page.
  • Step two: Choose how many utility bills you require.
  • Step three: Select which type of bill your require:
    1. UK personal utility bills
    2. UK business utility bills
  • Step four: Select the electricity statement template you would like. If your preferred statement template isn't represented, simply let us know at check out and we'll create one for you, free of charge.
  • Step five: Fill out the order form with as much information as possible:
    1. Email
    2. Delivery name and address
    3. Utility bill date
    4. title
    5. Name as it appears on your chosen Utility Bill
    6. Address as it appears on your chosen Utility Bill
    7. Customer number/reference
  • Step six: Pay. We will do our best to review the order and make sure that all the necessary information has been entered. You will receive an email with payment instructions. Upon request, we can email you a sample of a previous order before payment.

Our disclaimer

Please take note of our disclaimer:

  • Providing incorrect or inaccurate information for the purpose of misleading others is committing fraud.
  • We are not connected or affiliated with any of the official companies. You should contact your original provider for the official documents.
  • You must be the original owner of the original documents to place an order to use our fake documents.
  • All of our documents are designed to be replacement documents for theatrical, practical use, educational or novelty use only.