

  • Providing incorrect or inaccurate information for the purpose of misleading others is committing fraud.
  • We are not affiliated or connected with any of the official companies. You should contact your original provider for the official documents.
  • You must be the original owner of the original documents to place an order.
  • All of our documents are designed to be replacement documents for theatrical, practical use, educational or novelty use only.

Replacement SSE Bill

ReplaceYourDocs make the best novelty SSE bills online. We use the latest editing software to guarantee exact replica SSE bills. Choose from a variety of templates and we’ll edit the details to suit your needs.

What is a replacement SSE bill?

We don't create fake SSE bills at ReplaceYourDocs, we make an exact replica of a real SSE bill, something that looks like a genuine utility bill issued by SSE - except it's edited to include the details you want.

So, if you want an exact replacement SSE bill to keep a copy in your records, or want to edit key details like your address, energy usage, bill amount and statement dates, a replica SSE bill is the perfect solution.

Our samples database is kept up-to-date with the latest SSE bill templates available. Simply order online today and receive your replacement documents in PDF format the next working day.

What can I do with a novelty SSE bill?

You cannot use novelty SSE bills for any fraudulent or illegal purposes.

A replica utility bill like an electricity bill from SSE can be used in a number of ways, from a bit of fun to making budget admin easier. Here are some of the most common uses for replica SSE bills:

Keeping track of energy costs

Volatility in energy prices means keeping a sharp eye on your energy usage and unit costs are more important than ever. While bill totals are useful to keep track of and can usually be accessed online, more specific costs like standing charges and unit costs are often only available on your monthly, quarterly or annual bill. It’s these charges that can make the difference between getting a good deal for your household energy, or being ripped off.

By keeping track of these specific costs with a replica copy of your real SSE bills, you’re in the best position to get the most suitable energy contract when it comes to renewing your contract, choosing a new provider or even negotiating with SSE themselves for a cheaper tariff.

Budget monitoring

How much will you be spending on gas and electricity this winter? Without knowing how much energy you used last year, and the specific costs that apply to your tariff, the only way to have an idea is by using SSE’s forecasts themselves - and utility companies have been known to get things wrong in the past. With a replacement SSE bill - an exact copy of your existing bills - you can see exactly what you’ve used in the past, match the costs to the current unit price and there you have it - you’re forecasted spend based on your specific household.

Multiple bill sharing

If you live in a property with multiple people and you pay your share of the utility bills, it makes sense to have a replica utility bill that reflects what you’re actually paying. This is particularly important for those that need to prove their income and expenditures such as those in debt management plans, self-employed people, contractors, business owners etc. Simply order a replacement SSE bill from ReplaceYourDocs and edit the bill amount and there you have it - proof for your records.


So much content is produced nowadays, much of it online. For instances where you need to use a utility bill in a scene, a reproduction utility bill, such as a replica SSE bill, is the best way to go. There's no way to reveal any personal details by accident, and the details can be edited to suit the context of your message.


A utility bill is once of the most common requests from companies that want to verify your identity. Often, it’s debatable how necessary this verification really is. If you’re in a situation where you’re being asked to hand over private and confidential information in the form of a utility bill, a replica bill is a great solution. It looks genuine to pass the verification, and you can edit it so that any details or data you want to keep private will be edited to say something else


Whether you want to get revenge on a housemate for always leaving the lights on or trick a gullible family member, a novelty SSE bill is guaranteed to do the trick. Add insanely high charges to your bill or, if you truly want to be devious, add specific payment instructions from ‘SSE’ to get extra money into your account. It might work, it might not - that’s the fun of pranks, right?

How to buy a replica SSE bill

To buy a replacement SSE bill online, follow our easy steps:

  • Order: Click on the 'buy documents' link at the top of the page. Browse through the categories and select the product you would like. Fill out the order form with as much information as possible.
  • Pay: We will do our best to review the order and make sure that all the necessary information has been entered. You will receive an email with payment instructions. Upon request, we can email you a sample of a previous order before payment.
  • Get a digital copy: Documents are usually completed the following day. After the document is complete you will be emailed a PDF copy
  • Review: You may check the PDF copy and request a list of changes. Once the changes have been completed, you will receive an updated PDF copy until you are happy with the final result.

Our disclaimer

Please take note of our disclaimer:

  • Providing incorrect or inaccurate information for the purpose of misleading others is committing fraud.
  • We are not connected or affiliated with any of the official companies. You should contact your original provider for the official documents.
  • You must be the original owner of the original documents to place an order to use our novelty documents.
  • All of our documents are designed to be replacement documents for theatrical, practical use, educational or novelty use only.