

  • Providing incorrect or inaccurate information for the purpose of misleading others is committing fraud.
  • We are not affiliated or connected with any of the official companies. You should contact your original provider for the official documents.
  • You must be the original owner of the original documents to place an order.
  • All of our documents are designed to be replacement documents for theatrical, practical use, educational or novelty use only.

Replacement Octopus Energy Bills

If you need a replacement Octopus energy bill, you’ve come to the right place. At ReplaceYourDocs we specialise in replacement gas and electricity bills. Whether you want to prank your pals, or simply keep a record of your energy use, we have an up to date bill template for your utility company.

What is a replacement Octopus energy bill?

We don't make fake Octopus energy bills, we make reproduction Octopus energy bills that are virtually an exact replica of a genuine Octopus energy bill, making it almost impossible to distinguish between the replacement Octopus energy bill you’ve ordered, and the real thing.

A novelty Octopus energy bill from ReplaceYourDocs is almost identical in appearance and layout to the real Octopus energy, we even have the same logos!

So, if you need a spare Octopus energy bill for your records, or you need a duplicate for education or training purposes, buy a replacement Octopus energy bill from ReplaceYourDocs.

All of the templates in our database are created from the most recent bills.

What can I do with a replacement Octopus energy bill?

You cannot use fake Octopus energy bills for any fraudulent or illegal purposes.

A novelty Octopus energy bill can be used in multiple ways: from playing a practice joke on a friend, to managing your budget better.

Here are some of the most common uses for replica Octopus energy bills:

Privacy protection

Businesses that need to confirm your identification most commonly ask to see an energy bill. But if you’re concerned about your privacy or you want to protect your personal information from falling into the wrong hands, using a reproduction utility bill with amended details such as a different address or account number, in lieu of an actual bill, could keep you safe.

It will satisfy the organisation’s verification process, while ensuring you don’t give away your private data unnecessarily.

Household bill sharing

If you house share or flat share, and you all contribute towards the energy bill, you still only receive one bill through. And if you want to keep a copy for your own records, having a replica Octopus energy bill is an easy way to do that.

Having your own copy of your energy bill is particularly beneficial for those who need to prove their income and expenditure for a debt management plan, for example.

Playing practical jokes

If you’re a joker and you love winding up your family and friends, our novelty Coop utility bills make a hilarious gag. Imagine your dad’s face when you present him with a novelty energy bill for £££ thousands of pounds, and then ask him to cough up!

A replacement Octopus energy bill is a great way to fool an unsuspecting family member that they’ve used a ridiculous amount of energy. Or perhaps you want to exact revenge on a roommate for habitually leaving the lights on.

Add ludicrously high charges to the bill, increase the standing rate, even add on a few made up charges and see if anyone notices.

How to order a replacement Octopus energy bill

To order a novelty Octopus energy bill online, follow our easy steps:

  • Order: Click on the 'buy documents' link at the top of the page. Browse through the categories and select the product you would like. Fill out the order form with as much information as possible.
  • Pay: We will do our best to review the order and make sure that all the necessary information has been entered. You will receive an email with payment instructions. Upon request, we can email you a sample of a previous order before payment.
  • Get a digital copy: Documents are usually completed the following day. After the document is complete you will be emailed a PDF copy.
  • Review: You may check the PDF copy and request a list of changes. Once the changes have been completed, you will receive an updated PDF copy until you are happy with the final result.